
Gregory D. Abowd

Gregory D. Abowd.    Georgia Tech (USA)
Keynote title: Moving beyond Weiser’s ubiquitous computing.

Abstract: In the late 1980’s, Mark Weiser defined ubiquitous computing as the third generation of computing, and much of his vision of computing technology has been realized. Nearly three decades later, it is appropriate to reflect on Weiser’s definition of the third generation and ask what the next generation of computing might be. Interestingly, a fourth generation of computing technologies has already arrived and has been with us for nearly a decade. This fourth generation of computing is marked by the emergence of three important technologies —the cloud, the crowd, and the shroud of devices that envelop the physical world and connect it to the digital world. This new era, which I currently refer to as "collective computing" represents a more seamless amalgamation of machine-run algorithms and the collective intelligence of humans. I will provide an example of an application of collective computing with the cloud/crowd/shroud technologies, and discuss some interesting remaining technology challenges. If time permits, I will speculate on a coming 5th generation of computing that recognizes the limitations of Moore’s Law thinking.
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Diego López-de-Ipiña

Diego López-de-Ipiña.    Deusto Institute of Technology, University of Deusto (Spain)
Keynote title: Bringing together Smart Things and People to realize Smarter Environments.

Abstract: The quest for realizing Smart Environments has taken place for the last 30 years. Diverse adaptations of the original UbiComp vision have been developed, each highlighting diverse aspects who have been considered critical to enable a wider and more acceptable adoption of Smart Environments. Notable examples of such interesting adaptations are Context-aware Computing, Sentient Computing, Ambient Intelligence, Ambient Assisted Living and Internet of Everything. Under those different umbrella terms, researchers have explored the three stage enabling equation for Smart Environments, i.e. “SENSE + PROCESS = ACT”, spaces where the environment is aware of the needs, profiles and preferences from the sensed users and accommodates its behavior to ease their daily interactions. Contributions around these different perspectives and applied to distinct environments, i.e. Smart Offices, Smart Homes, Smart Factories or Smart Cities, have been produced, all addressing the challenges posed by ever more complex systems of systems populated by multiple users. This talk will exemplify research results on how to accomplish these three core steps. Firstly, in the SENSE part, the importance of location sensing and the spread of low cost highly dense sensing environments (RFID, NFC or low range Bluetooth) will be described. Secondly, the PROCESS stage where ever more sophisticated analytics mechanisms to take into account historic and real-time data are considered, combining domain-driven (rules) and data-driven solutions, will be analysed. Thirdly, the ACT stage will be explored, considering the evolution from reactive to learning persuasive environments which aim to collaborate with their users. Thus, a middle ground fostering collaboration between smart things and people will be defended giving place to Smarter environments. The implications of the Smarter environments approach will be illustrated with use cases in the Open Government and Efficient Energy Management domains.
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Christopher Fabian

Christopher Fabian.    UNICEF Innovation Unit (USA)
Keynote title: UNICEF Innovation: data, science, and an attempt to quantify development.

Abstract: The UNICEF Ventures team, within the Office of Innovation, uses human dynamics, risk modeling, and research to better understand a complex and quickly changing world. This talk will explore trends that most impact children: climate change, war, automation ... and how applications of machine learning and systems analysis can help create global public goods. UNICEF Ventures has a particular focus on “information poverty” - and using probes, data collection, and qualitative research to optimize a child’s access to information and opportunity. More at and @unicefinnovate.
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