A number of projects aiming to develop ITC-based solutions for smart health are currently available in the research lab. Companies, Postdoctoral researchers, PhD candidates and undergraduate students are welcome to join us.

We believe in applied research and its real impact on society. The only way to achieve this is through collaboration with companies. We are open to joint projects, shall we talk?
Undergraduate students
The student is required to have a good understanding of computer science, mainly in Information Technologies and Computing. He/She will need to demonstrate adaptability to the multidisciplinary nature of the projects. Degree and Masters students are encouraged to contact us to express his/her interest.
PhD opportunities with government and university-funded scholarships are available each year, both to domestic and international students.
Key criteria
Domestic students –The students should have strong academic track record (including research and write-up) with first class honours.
International students – For an international student, s/he is expected to have masters and honours degrees with very strong academic and research background in a relevant field.
Escuela Superior de Informática de Ciudad Real
Address: Paseo de la Universidad 4
13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
Contact Information
Call: +34 926295300 Ext. 3713
Email: grupo.mami@uclm.es