
Contact Information


Constantin Cosmin Dobrescu

PHD Student

Cosmin Constantin Dobrescu is Computer Engineer at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. He is currently working on his Master’s thesis at the National University of Distance Education (UNED) and planning his Ph.D as a member of Modelling Ambient Intelligence Research Group (MAmI). The main subject of his Final Degree project and the Master’s thesis is aimed at the development of prototypes of sensorized insoles for Quanttitative Gait Analysis (QGA). His research interests are focused IoT, Smart Health, Data Mining and Human-Computer Interaction.


Professional Appointments

  1. 2008-2009
    Senior Lecturer
    Pusan National University, Busan, South Kore
  2. 2008-2009
    Senior Lecturer
    Pusan National University, Busan, South Kore

Awards & Prizes

  • 2015
    NHMRC Career Development Fellowship
    Australian National Health and Medical Research Council
  • 2016
    NHMRC Career Development Fellowship
    UGCF Career Development Fellowship