Jesús Fontecha


Paseo de la Universidad 4
13071 Ciudad Real, Spain

Contact Information

Call: +34 926295300 Ext. 3204


Dr. Jesús Fontecha

2nd Academic Year Coordinator

Personal Web:

Professor in Computer Science (Department of Technologies & Information Systems) and researcher at the Castilla-La Mancha University (UCLM), performing research in the Modelling Ambient Intelligence Research Group (MAmI) and Technological Institute of Information Systems (ITSI). He received his Ph.D. in 2014 by the UCLM. Currently, Jesus Fontecha is author of more than 18 JCR articles, and editorial board member of several JCR indexed journals. Last years, he has participated in several Healthcare projects in collaboration with other universities and companies. His research interests include Ubiquitous Computing, Smart Health, mHealth, Context Awareness, AAL, Frailty, Gait Analysis, Data Mining, Visualisation and User Interaction.