"What is essential is invisible to the eyes" (A. de Saint Exupery)
MAmI Research, a group from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), and belonging to the ESI and ITSI, is specialized in different areas related to Interactive Systems and Ambient Intelligence. Originally, the group's application areas were diverse, but in the last 10 years most of the effort has been made around health and wellbeing systems. This group has developed intelligent and personalized technological solutions for health, through the combination of embedded sensors, mobile computing, neurosciences and interactive applications.
Ubiquitous Computing
Ubiquitous computing is a computer science paradigm where computing is made to appear anytime and everywhere.
Ambient Intelligence
Ambient intelligence refers to smart environments that are sensitive and responsive to the presence and needs of people
Ambient Assisted Living
Ambient Assisted Living aims to provide technologies for a better ageing well in a digital world
Our Experience
- Multidisciplinary group that includes computer engineers, psychologists and physicians, among other specialties
- Extensive experience in research projects including European projects
- Leadership capacity with the coordination of national and regional projects
- Industrial transfer projects with experience in PROFIT calls
- Great capacity for dissemination of results, with more than 40 JCR articles published and more than 150 international conference communications.
- Training capacity having developed 7 doctoral theses in recent years and having 7 in development
- Organization of international scientific events for more than 10 years
MAmI in the news
Technological offer
MAmI Research offers a range of innovative services and products available for technology transfer with companies