TALISMAN+: Intelligent system for follow-up and promotion of personal autonomy

TALISMAN+: Intelligent system for follow-up and promotion of personal autonomy

Financed by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. CICYT TIN2010-20510-C04-04

From January 2011 to December 2013

The reach to everybody of the benefits of Information and Knowledge Society demands the research and transfer to industrial scale of accessible and efficient solutions which are aware of population demands, specifically on the promotion of personal autonomy.

The TALISMAN+ project aims to research and demonstrate innovative solutions transferable to society which offer services and products based on information and communication technologies and promote personal autonomy in prevention and monitoring scenarios. This coordinated proposal will solve critical interoperability problems among systems and emerging technologies in a context where heterogeneity brings about accessibility barriers not yet overcome and demanded by the scientific, technological or social-health settings. The project will research and offer relevant solutions and results, both for the scientific community and society, exploiting in a coordinated manner the experience accumulated by the different groups involved in areas such as knowledge management, tele-monitoring, sensor networks and telematics security.

The results of TALISMAN+, detailed in their coordinated work plan, will allow the incremental development of innovative technologies and services, supported from the analysis phase with the participation of public entities and companies implied in the domain suggested.

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