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Latest News

FRASE: Proposal for the early detection of frailty and dementia by gait analysis

FRASE: Proposal for the early detection of frailty and dementia by gait analysis

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Ambient Intelligence in an educational context: A proposal for NFC technological adaptability in nursing care training

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Journal Articles

Automation of observational gait assessment through an optical 3D motion system and transformers Appl. Intell. 55(3): 250 (2025). (ISI-JCR Q2 IF:3.4) Download (Open Access)

A Comparison Between Multilayer Perceptrons and Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks for Multi-Task Classification in Sitting Posture Recognition IEEE Access 12: 180198-180209 (2024). (ISI-JCR Q2 IF:3.4). Download (Open Access)

Comparative Analysis of Generic and Fine-Tuned Large Language Models for Conversational Agent Systems. Robotics 13(5), 68. 2024 (JCR-ESCI Q2 IF:02.9)Download (Open Access)

Synthetic 3D full-body skeletal motion from 2D paths using RNN with LSTM cells and linear networks. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 180, 108943. 2024 (ISI-JCR Q1 IF:7.0)Download (Open Access)

Distributed mobile CEP for collaborative social computing. Computing. Volume 106, pages 889–913, Springer. 2024. (ISI-JCR'23 Q2 IF:3.3) Download (Open Access)

Analysis of Mobile Device Dual Tasking on the Move: Normal Cognitive Decline of Aging as Ground Truth for Mild Cognitive Impairment Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(16):9204 (ISI-JCR'22 Q2 IF:2.7)Download (Open Access)

Analysis of Dual-Tasking Effect on Gait Variability While Interacting with Mobile Devices Mathematics 2023, 11(1), 202 (ISI-JCR Q1 IF:2.4)Download (Open Access)

Digital Avatars: A programming framework for personalized human interactions through virtual profiles. Pervasive and Mobile Computing. Volume 87, December 2022, 101718 (JCR Q2 IF: 4.3)Download

Use and Trends of Diabetes Self-Management Technologies: A Correlation-Based Study. Journal of Diabetes Research Volume 2022 | Article ID 5962001 (JCR'20 Q3 IF: 4.061)Download (Open Access)

ICT Complement for Supporting Flute Study at Home. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 2022 (Forthcoming)

Studying the generalisability of cognitive load measured with EEG. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 70, September 2021, 103032 (JCR Q2 IF: 5.076)Download

eeglib: A Python module for EEG feature extraction. SoftwareX, 15, July 2021, 100745 (JCR Q2 IF: 2.868)Download (Open Access)

Characterisation of mobile-device tasks by their associated cognitive load through EEG data processing. Future Generation Computer Systems 113, pp. 380-390, December 2020 (JCR D1 IF: 7.187)Download

An Internet of Agents Architecture for Training and Deployment of Deep Convolutional Models Journal of Signal Processing Systems (Online first). October 2020 (JCR Q4 IF: 1.348) Download

An Affective and Cognitive Toy to Support Mood Disorders. Informatics 2020, 7(4), 48. September 2020 (SJR Q2 IF: 0.45)Download (Open Access)

An Internet of Things infrastructure for gait characterization in assisted living environments and its application in the discovery of associations between frailty and cognition. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 15(10), October 2019 (JCR Q4 IF: 1.151)Download (Open Access)

eeglib: computational analysis of cognitive performance during the use of video games. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. Springer Nov 2019. (JCR'20 IF: 7,104 D1)

A usability study of a mHealth system for diabetes self-management based on framework analysis and usability problem taxonomy methods. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, June 2019 (online first) (JCR'20 IF: 7,104 D1)

Analyzing EEG waves to support the design of serious games for cognitive training. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 10 - 6, pp. 2161 - 2174. Springer, Jun 2019. (JCR Q1 IF: 4,594)

Relationship between stride interval variability and aging: use of linear and non-linear estimators for gait variability assessment in assisted living environments. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 10, pp. 2095–2109. (JCR IF: 4.594 Q3)

m-Health: Lessons Learned by m-Experiences. Sensors 18(5). May 2018. (JCR IF: 3.031 Q1) Sensors 18(5). May 2018. (JCR IF: 3.031 Q1)Download (Open Access)

Ubiquitous computing for health applications. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. May 2018. (JCR IF=4.594 Q1)Download

Strategies to Improve Activity Recognition Based on Skeletal Tracking: Applying Restrictions Regarding Body Parts and Similarity Boundaries. Sensors 18(5). May 2018. (JCR IF:3.031 Q1)Download (Open Access)

Assessing empathy and managing emotions through interactions with an affective avatar. Journal of Health Informatics, 24(2) pp. 182-193. June 2018. SAGE. (JCR IF: 2.247 Q2). Download (Open Access)

Smart Device-Based Notifications to Promote Healthy Behavior Related to Childhood Obesity and Overweight. Sensors, 18(1). January 2018. (JCR IF: 2.677 Q1)Download (Open Access)

Extended Body-Angles Algorithm to recognize activities within intelligent environments. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 8(4) pp. 531-549. August 2017. Springer. (ISI-JCR IF=1.588 Q3)

Analyzing and Predicting Empathy in Neurotypical and Non-Neurotypical users with an Affective Avatar. Mobile Information Systems, ID 7932529. May 2017. (JCR IF=0.849 Q4)Download (Open Access)

Estimation of Temporal Gait Events from a Single Accelerometer Through the Scale-Space Filtering Idea. Journal of Medical Systems 40:251. December 2016. (JCR IF: 2.456 Q2)

Correlation between videogame mechanics and executive functions through EEG analysis. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 63 pp. 131-140. October 2016. Elsevier. (JCR IF: 2.753 Q1)

Comparison between passive vision-based system and a wearable inertial-based system for estimating temporal gait parameters related to the GAITRite electronic walkway. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 62, pp. 210-223, Aug 2016. (JCR IF: 2.753 Q1)

A Systematic Review for Mobile Monitoring Solutions in M-Health. Journal of Medical Systems, 40:199. September 2016. (JCR IF: 2.456 Q2)

A web based Cardivascular Disease Detection System. Journal of Medical Systems, 39:122. August 2015. Springer (SJR IF: 0.74 Q2)

Real-Time Statistical Modeling of Blood Sugar. Journal of Medical Systems, 39:123. October 2015. Springer (SJR IF: 0.74 Q2)

NFC as a Childhood Obesity Treatment Tool. Journal of Medical Systems, 39:96. August 2015. Springer (SJR IF: 0.74 Q2)

Towards Context-Aware and User-Centered Analysis in Assistive Environments. Journal of Medical Systems, 39:120. August 2015. Springer (SJR IF: 0.74 Q2)

Mobile Monitoring framework to design parametrized and personalized m-health applications according to the patient’s diseases. Journal of Medical Systems, 39:132. October 2015. Springer (SJR IF: 0.74 Q2)

Creating TUIS using RFID sensors – a case study based on the literacy process of children with down syndrome. Sensors, 15(7), pp. 14845-63. May 2015 (JCR IF:2.245 Q1)Download (Open Access)

An Ambulatory System for Gait Monitoring Based on Wireless Sensorized Insoles. Sensors, 15(7), pp. 16589-16613. July 2015. (JCR IF: 2.245 Q1)Download (Open Access)

Integration of multisensor hybrid reasoners to support personal autonomy in the smart home. Sensors, 14(9), pp. 17313-17330. September 2014 (JCR IF: 2.245 Q1)

Mobile and ubiquitous architecture for the medical control of chronic diseases through the use of intelligent devices: Using the architecture for patients with diabetes. Future generation computer systems, 34 pp. 161-175. May 2014 (JCR IF: 2.79 Q1)

Human-Objects Interaction: a framework for design, develop and evaluate augmented objects. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 30(10), pp. 787-801. May 2014 (JCR IF: 0.723 Q3)

Providing Emotional Support to Children under Long-Term Health Treatments. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index 86, 8(2), pp. 657 - 662. 2014

Context-Driven Human Environment Interaction (CdH-E Interaction). Interacting with Computers, 26(2), pp. 103-104. March 2014 (JCR IF: 0.731 Q3)

Preface to the special section on Software Engineering Aspects of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence Science of Computer Programming, 78(10), pp. 1892-1894. October 2013.

Achieving Adaptive Augmented Reality through Ontological Context-Awareness applied to AAL Scenarios. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 19(9), pp 1334-1349. September 2013 (JCR IF:0.762 Q3)Download

A Mobile and Ubiquitous Approach for Supporting Frailty Assessment in Elderly People. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(9):e197. September 2013 (JCR IF: 4.671 Q1).Download

RFID breadcrumbs for enhanced care data management and dissemination. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal, 17(6), pp. 1095-1104. August 2013. Springer (JCR IF: 1.133 Q2)

Elderly frailty detection by using accelerometer-enabled smartphones and clinical information records. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal, 17(6), pp. 1073-1083. August 2013. Springer (JCR IF: 1.133 Q2)

Mobile Services Infrastructures for Frailty Diagnosis Support based on Gower’s Similarity Coefficient and Treemaps. Journal of Mobile Information System, 10(1), pp. 127:146. July 2013 (JCR IF: 1.789 Q1). Download

An assistive navigation system based on augmented reality and context awareness for people with mild cognitive impairments. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 18(1), pp. 368-374. June 2013 (JCR IF: 1.68 Q1)

Mobile Monitoring and Reasoning Methods to Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases. Sensors, 13(5), pp. 6524-6541. May 2013. MDPI (JCR IF: 1.953 Q1)Download

Ambient Assisted Living: Home Care. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 9(9), pp. 1197-1198. September 2013 (JCR IF:0.762 Q4).

Using a communication model to collect measurement data through mobile devices. Sensors, 12(7), pp. 9253-9272. July 2012. MDPI (JCR IF:1.953 Q1)Download (Open Access)

COIVA: Context-aware and Ontology-powered Information Visualization Architecture. Software: Practice and Experience Journal, 41(4), pp. 403-426. April 2011. Wiley-Blackwell (JCR IF: 0.52 Q3)Download

Awareness Marks: Adaptive services through user interactions with augmented objects. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal, 15(4): 409-418, April 2011. Springer (JCR IF: 0.938 Q2)

Towards the ubiquitous visualization: Adaptive user-interfaces based on the Semantic Web. Interacting with Computers Journal, 23(1), pp. 40-56. January 2011. Elsevier (JCR IF=1.23 Q2)Download

Supporting the strategies to improvement elders medication compliance by providing ambient aids. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal, 15(4), pp. 389-397. April 2011. Springer

A Context Model based on Ontological Languages: a Proposal for Information Visualization. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 16(12), pp. 1539-1555. August 2010 (JCR IF: 0578 Q4)Download (Open Access)

PICTAC: A model for Perceiving Touch Interaction through Tagging Context. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 16(12), pp. 1577-1591. August 2010 (JCR IF: 0,578 Q4)

Adaptabilidad de las tecnologías RFID y NFC a un contexto educativo: Una experiencia en trabajo cooperativo. IEEE-RITA, 4(1), pp. 17-24. Feb 2009.Download

Ambient Intelligence at Home: Facts and Future. Cepis Upgrade: Ambient Intelligence. Vol VIII, issue 4. Novatica, August 2007.

Visualization Services in a Conference Context: An approach by RFID Technology. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 12(3), pp. 270-283. March 2006 (JCR IF: 0.338 Q4)Download (Open Access)

Ubiquitous Computing at classroom: An approach through identification process. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 11(9), pp. 1494-1504. September 2005 (JCR IF: 0.337 Q4)Download (Open Access)

Interacción asistida abstracta en el aula ubicua. Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial.

Automation of observational gait assessment through an optical 3D motion system and transformers Appl. Intell. 55(3): 250 (2025). (ISI-JCR Q2 IF:3.4) Download (Open Access)

A Comparison Between Multilayer Perceptrons and Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks for Multi-Task Classification in Sitting Posture Recognition IEEE Access 12: 180198-180209 (2024). (ISI-JCR Q2 IF:3.4). Download (Open Access)

Comparative Analysis of Generic and Fine-Tuned Large Language Models for Conversational Agent Systems. Robotics 13(5), 68. 2024 (JCR-ESCI Q2 IF:02.9)Download (Open Access)

Synthetic 3D full-body skeletal motion from 2D paths using RNN with LSTM cells and linear networks. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 180, 108943. 2024 (ISI-JCR Q1 IF:7.0)Download (Open Access)

Distributed mobile CEP for collaborative social computing. Computing. Volume 106, pages 889–913, Springer. 2024. (ISI-JCR'23 Q2 IF:3.3) Download (Open Access)

Analysis of Mobile Device Dual Tasking on the Move: Normal Cognitive Decline of Aging as Ground Truth for Mild Cognitive Impairment Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(16):9204 (ISI-JCR'22 Q2 IF:2.7)Download (Open Access)

Analysis of Dual-Tasking Effect on Gait Variability While Interacting with Mobile Devices Mathematics 2023, 11(1), 202 (ISI-JCR Q1 IF:2.4)Download (Open Access)

Digital Avatars: A programming framework for personalized human interactions through virtual profiles. Pervasive and Mobile Computing. Volume 87, December 2022, 101718 (JCR Q2 IF: 4.3)Download

Use and Trends of Diabetes Self-Management Technologies: A Correlation-Based Study. Journal of Diabetes Research Volume 2022 | Article ID 5962001 (JCR'20 Q3 IF: 4.061)Download (Open Access)

ICT Complement for Supporting Flute Study at Home. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 2022 (Forthcoming)

Studying the generalisability of cognitive load measured with EEG. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 70, September 2021, 103032 (JCR Q2 IF: 5.076)Download

eeglib: A Python module for EEG feature extraction. SoftwareX, 15, July 2021, 100745 (JCR Q2 IF: 2.868)Download (Open Access)

Characterisation of mobile-device tasks by their associated cognitive load through EEG data processing. Future Generation Computer Systems 113, pp. 380-390, December 2020 (JCR D1 IF: 7.187)Download

An Internet of Agents Architecture for Training and Deployment of Deep Convolutional Models Journal of Signal Processing Systems (Online first). October 2020 (JCR Q4 IF: 1.348) Download

An Affective and Cognitive Toy to Support Mood Disorders. Informatics 2020, 7(4), 48. September 2020 (SJR Q2 IF: 0.45)Download (Open Access)

An Internet of Things infrastructure for gait characterization in assisted living environments and its application in the discovery of associations between frailty and cognition. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 15(10), October 2019 (JCR Q4 IF: 1.151)Download (Open Access)

eeglib: computational analysis of cognitive performance during the use of video games. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. Springer Nov 2019. (JCR'20 IF: 7,104 D1)

A usability study of a mHealth system for diabetes self-management based on framework analysis and usability problem taxonomy methods. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, June 2019 (online first) (JCR'20 IF: 7,104 D1)

Analyzing EEG waves to support the design of serious games for cognitive training. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 10 - 6, pp. 2161 - 2174. Springer, Jun 2019. (JCR Q1 IF: 4,594)

Relationship between stride interval variability and aging: use of linear and non-linear estimators for gait variability assessment in assisted living environments. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 10, pp. 2095–2109. (JCR IF: 4.594 Q3)

m-Health: Lessons Learned by m-Experiences. Sensors 18(5). May 2018. (JCR IF: 3.031 Q1) Sensors 18(5). May 2018. (JCR IF: 3.031 Q1)Download (Open Access)

Ubiquitous computing for health applications. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. May 2018. (JCR IF=4.594 Q1)Download

Strategies to Improve Activity Recognition Based on Skeletal Tracking: Applying Restrictions Regarding Body Parts and Similarity Boundaries. Sensors 18(5). May 2018. (JCR IF:3.031 Q1)Download (Open Access)

Assessing empathy and managing emotions through interactions with an affective avatar. Journal of Health Informatics, 24(2) pp. 182-193. June 2018. SAGE. (JCR IF: 2.247 Q2). Download (Open Access)

Smart Device-Based Notifications to Promote Healthy Behavior Related to Childhood Obesity and Overweight. Sensors, 18(1). January 2018. (JCR IF: 2.677 Q1)Download (Open Access)

Extended Body-Angles Algorithm to recognize activities within intelligent environments. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 8(4) pp. 531-549. August 2017. Springer. (ISI-JCR IF=1.588 Q3)

Analyzing and Predicting Empathy in Neurotypical and Non-Neurotypical users with an Affective Avatar. Mobile Information Systems, ID 7932529. May 2017. (JCR IF=0.849 Q4)Download (Open Access)

Estimation of Temporal Gait Events from a Single Accelerometer Through the Scale-Space Filtering Idea. Journal of Medical Systems 40:251. December 2016. (JCR IF: 2.456 Q2)

Correlation between videogame mechanics and executive functions through EEG analysis. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 63 pp. 131-140. October 2016. Elsevier. (JCR IF: 2.753 Q1)

Comparison between passive vision-based system and a wearable inertial-based system for estimating temporal gait parameters related to the GAITRite electronic walkway. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 62, pp. 210-223, Aug 2016. (JCR IF: 2.753 Q1)

A Systematic Review for Mobile Monitoring Solutions in M-Health. Journal of Medical Systems, 40:199. September 2016. (JCR IF: 2.456 Q2)

A web based Cardivascular Disease Detection System. Journal of Medical Systems, 39:122. August 2015. Springer (SJR IF: 0.74 Q2)

Real-Time Statistical Modeling of Blood Sugar. Journal of Medical Systems, 39:123. October 2015. Springer (SJR IF: 0.74 Q2)

NFC as a Childhood Obesity Treatment Tool. Journal of Medical Systems, 39:96. August 2015. Springer (SJR IF: 0.74 Q2)

Towards Context-Aware and User-Centered Analysis in Assistive Environments. Journal of Medical Systems, 39:120. August 2015. Springer (SJR IF: 0.74 Q2)

Mobile Monitoring framework to design parametrized and personalized m-health applications according to the patient’s diseases. Journal of Medical Systems, 39:132. October 2015. Springer (SJR IF: 0.74 Q2)

Creating TUIS using RFID sensors – a case study based on the literacy process of children with down syndrome. Sensors, 15(7), pp. 14845-63. May 2015 (JCR IF:2.245 Q1)Download (Open Access)

An Ambulatory System for Gait Monitoring Based on Wireless Sensorized Insoles. Sensors, 15(7), pp. 16589-16613. July 2015. (JCR IF: 2.245 Q1)Download (Open Access)

Integration of multisensor hybrid reasoners to support personal autonomy in the smart home. Sensors, 14(9), pp. 17313-17330. September 2014 (JCR IF: 2.245 Q1)

Mobile and ubiquitous architecture for the medical control of chronic diseases through the use of intelligent devices: Using the architecture for patients with diabetes. Future generation computer systems, 34 pp. 161-175. May 2014 (JCR IF: 2.79 Q1)

Human-Objects Interaction: a framework for design, develop and evaluate augmented objects. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 30(10), pp. 787-801. May 2014 (JCR IF: 0.723 Q3)

Providing Emotional Support to Children under Long-Term Health Treatments. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index 86, 8(2), pp. 657 - 662. 2014

Context-Driven Human Environment Interaction (CdH-E Interaction). Interacting with Computers, 26(2), pp. 103-104. March 2014 (JCR IF: 0.731 Q3)

Preface to the special section on Software Engineering Aspects of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence Science of Computer Programming, 78(10), pp. 1892-1894. October 2013.

Achieving Adaptive Augmented Reality through Ontological Context-Awareness applied to AAL Scenarios. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 19(9), pp 1334-1349. September 2013 (JCR IF:0.762 Q3)Download

A Mobile and Ubiquitous Approach for Supporting Frailty Assessment in Elderly People. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(9):e197. September 2013 (JCR IF: 4.671 Q1).Download

RFID breadcrumbs for enhanced care data management and dissemination. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal, 17(6), pp. 1095-1104. August 2013. Springer (JCR IF: 1.133 Q2)

Elderly frailty detection by using accelerometer-enabled smartphones and clinical information records. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal, 17(6), pp. 1073-1083. August 2013. Springer (JCR IF: 1.133 Q2)

Mobile Services Infrastructures for Frailty Diagnosis Support based on Gower’s Similarity Coefficient and Treemaps. Journal of Mobile Information System, 10(1), pp. 127:146. July 2013 (JCR IF: 1.789 Q1). Download

An assistive navigation system based on augmented reality and context awareness for people with mild cognitive impairments. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 18(1), pp. 368-374. June 2013 (JCR IF: 1.68 Q1)

Mobile Monitoring and Reasoning Methods to Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases. Sensors, 13(5), pp. 6524-6541. May 2013. MDPI (JCR IF: 1.953 Q1)Download

Ambient Assisted Living: Home Care. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 9(9), pp. 1197-1198. September 2013 (JCR IF:0.762 Q4).

Using a communication model to collect measurement data through mobile devices. Sensors, 12(7), pp. 9253-9272. July 2012. MDPI (JCR IF:1.953 Q1)Download (Open Access)

COIVA: Context-aware and Ontology-powered Information Visualization Architecture. Software: Practice and Experience Journal, 41(4), pp. 403-426. April 2011. Wiley-Blackwell (JCR IF: 0.52 Q3)Download

Awareness Marks: Adaptive services through user interactions with augmented objects. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal, 15(4): 409-418, April 2011. Springer (JCR IF: 0.938 Q2)

Towards the ubiquitous visualization: Adaptive user-interfaces based on the Semantic Web. Interacting with Computers Journal, 23(1), pp. 40-56. January 2011. Elsevier (JCR IF=1.23 Q2)Download

Supporting the strategies to improvement elders medication compliance by providing ambient aids. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal, 15(4), pp. 389-397. April 2011. Springer

A Context Model based on Ontological Languages: a Proposal for Information Visualization. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 16(12), pp. 1539-1555. August 2010 (JCR IF: 0578 Q4)Download (Open Access)

PICTAC: A model for Perceiving Touch Interaction through Tagging Context. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 16(12), pp. 1577-1591. August 2010 (JCR IF: 0,578 Q4)

Adaptabilidad de las tecnologías RFID y NFC a un contexto educativo: Una experiencia en trabajo cooperativo. IEEE-RITA, 4(1), pp. 17-24. Feb 2009.Download

Ambient Intelligence at Home: Facts and Future. Cepis Upgrade: Ambient Intelligence. Vol VIII, issue 4. Novatica, August 2007.

Visualization Services in a Conference Context: An approach by RFID Technology. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 12(3), pp. 270-283. March 2006 (JCR IF: 0.338 Q4)Download (Open Access)

Ubiquitous Computing at classroom: An approach through identification process. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 11(9), pp. 1494-1504. September 2005 (JCR IF: 0.337 Q4)Download (Open Access)

Interacción asistida abstracta en el aula ubicua. Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial.